Dentists in Papua New Guinea

10 listing(s) found for Dentists in Papua New Guinea

Mills Dental Care

P. O. Box 1257, Boroko

Deloitte Tower Papua New Guinea

(675) 320 0600

Pacific International Hospital

P. O. Box 6103, Boroko

Papua New Guinea

(675) 323 4400


P. O. Box 1914, Boroko

Tabari P1 Papua New Guinea

(675) 325 4911

Daewon Dental Clinic

P. O. Box 1221, Mount Hagen

Wamp Nga Building Papua New Guinea

(675) 542 2766

Dental Clinic

Port Moresby

Ground Floor Mogoro Moto Building Papua New Guinea

(675) 321 1137

Family Dental Surgery

P. O. Box 885, Lae

Papua New Guinea

(675) 472 7955

Mills Dental Care

P. O. Box 1257, Boroko

Deloitte Tower Papua New Guinea

(675) 320 0600

Pacific International Hospital

P. O. Box 6103, Boroko

Papua New Guinea

(675) 323 4400

Pickworth Dr Richard

Port Moresby

Ground Floor Moguru Moto Building Champion Pde Papua New Guinea

(675) 321 1137


P. O. Box 3020, Boroko

Dr Vilma 1st Floor Private Hospital Papua New Guinea

(675) 325 5710

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