Private Hotels Private Hotels in Lae , Papua New Guinea

6 listing(s) found for Private Hotels in Papua New Guinea

Goroka Lodge

P. O. Box 343, Goroko

McNicoll St Papua New Guinea

(675) 532 2411

Amber's Inn

P. O. Box 1139, Boroko

Mairi P1 Papua New Guinea

(675) 325 5091

Budget Inn

P. O. Box 6361, Boroko

Morea-Tobo Rd Six Mile Saraga Papua New Guinea

(675) 323 1611

Haus Poroman

P. O. Box 1182, Mount Hagen

Papua New Guinea

(675) 542 2250

Klinki Lodge

P. O. Box 102, Lae

Klinkii St Papua New Guinea

(675) 472 6040

Vagagil Guest House

P. O. Box 1303, Rabaul

Papua New Guinea

(675) 982 8833

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