Telephone Equipment and Supplies Manufacturers and Distributors in Papua New Guinea

8 listing(s) found for Telephone Equipment and Supplies Manufacturers and Distributors in Papua New Guinea

Alcatel - Lucent Papua New Guinea

P. O. Box 2995, Boroko

Papua New Guinea

(675) 325 6933

Conxions Ltd

P. O. Box 5602, Boroko

T/AS Ericsson Business Communcations Croton St Papua New Guinea

(675) 325 6566

NEC PNG Limited

P. O. Box 937, Boroko

Papua New Guinea

(675) 300 0300

Rad-Tel (PNG) Ltd

P. O. Box 454, Lae

Markham Rd Papua New Guinea

(675) 472 6203

Rad-Tel (PNG) Ltd

P. O. Box 43, Waigani

Goroa St Gordons Papua New Guinea

(675) 325 2555

Telikom PNG Ltd

P. O. Box 7395, Boroko

Papua New Guinea

(675) 300 5000


P. O. Box 822, Lae

Mula St Papua New Guinea

(675) 472 4242

Multi Cabling

P. O. Box 137, Lae

Papua New Guinea

(675) 76885886

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