City Generators

Category :
Generator and Generating Equipment Manufacturers and Distributors

Address :

35a Technology Drive 
Papua New Guinea

(675) (07) 5492322

Web site :

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Products/Services for City Generators

Hire, Sales, Service and installation of generator sets.

More Business Info

City Generators is the complete power generation company. We are committed to ensuring the excellence and reliability of your power generation assets, making sure they perform at their best when you need them most. When it comes to emergency and prime power generators, we do it all; providing maintenance, hire, sales, mechanical and electrical installation. We also supply and install custom built diesel and commercial generators. Our head office is conveniently located on the Sunshine Coast, with facilities in Brisbane. This allows us to service all parts of Queensland, Northern New South Wales, Australia and Pupua New Guinea. lets you discover local businesses in Papua New Guinea. Enjoy exploring the site exactly as you had cherished our Papua New Guinea!
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